X-Plane 11 - Add-on: Aerosoft - Airport Dublin V2.0 Ativador Download [Xforce] >>> http://tlniurl.com/1mnqad
About This Content The capital airport of Ireland for your home flight simulator. With up to 20 million passengers per year Dublin´s International Airport is of course the number one in Ireland and also ranked 15th of all European airports.It is served by many international airlines and it is the home base for Aer Lingus and Ryanair.The scenery of the airport which is located 10km north of the city center is in the final development stage representing the original airport of today. It includes the Terminal 2, also known as Pier E. The product comes with extremely high-resolution textures and with thousands of small details. Despite a very large number of these details in 3D, the frame rate stays absolutely stable and excellent.Enjoy a wonderful approach into the Celtic pearl and enjoy something typical Irish after the work is done.All buildings and installations at and around the airport High quality models and photo real textures High resolution runways and taxiways Highly realistic night time effects High resolution textures Entirely XPlane 11 compatibleUses advanced X-Plane features such as 3D spill lights and glass reflectionsComplete taxiway network for use by ATC and AI aircraftAnimated service vehiclesVolumetric grassAnimated road trafficAnimated jetways and marshallers (AutoGate plugin required https://marginal.org.uk/x-planescenery/plugins.html)Compatible with X-LifeAdded 249 road segments for X-Plane’s road traffic Added 1,198 new HDR lights Replaced all 7,176 old parked cars with better X-Plane default cars Added 9,834 additional parked cars and 136 semi-trailersAdded 30 missing buildingsFixed blurry ortho textures 7aa9394dea Title: X-Plane 11 - Add-on: Aerosoft - Airport Dublin V2.0Genre: SimulationDeveloper:PadLabs GmbHPublisher:Aerosoft GmbHRelease Date: 11 Sep, 2017 X-Plane 11 - Add-on: Aerosoft - Airport Dublin V2.0 Ativador Download [Xforce] Okay... while reading this review, please keep in mind, that Ireland is my top favourite country and Dublin one of the greatest cities I know. So it might be, that I\u00b4m getting a bit too confident here. However, even if I try to be objective, I can\u00b4t come up with truly negative things regarding this DLC. First of: The only reason why I bought X-Plane 11 at all was this DLC. I am normally a P3d Customer but as I upgraded to Version 4, Aerosofts Dublin Airport X became unsupported and I stood there in tears that my beloved Destination is not a thing any more. And even several years after, there is no upgraded Version of the Dublin Airport for P3d V4 :( But, it came out for X-Plane and one and a half year after release I decided to give it a go, empty my bank-account and try out X-Plane 11.Although this is not about X-Plane I have to mention that X-Plane 11 is a fantastic Simulator, sadly only a few PMDG products and honestly, I don\u00b4t want to go completely without Prepar3d, but still: X-Plane 11 is a great Simulator with some good Add-ons.Back to Dublin: Disclaimer: I can only review what I see and what I experienced, im not really familiar with the Airport in real life, only was there once, so I judged the DLC by just the look and appearance such as the performance in the Sim. As we speak of performance: I have a problem with X-Plane that when I fly with Clouds my FPS are dropping faster than my plane on final. We are speaking of 10 FPS and less. I already read that default Clouds in X-Plane are quite a problem but whatever, that doesn\u00b4t solve the problem. I am forced to fly without clouds to get a good framerate which is kind of sad. I\u00b4m getting with disabled clouds around 30 FPS in the air and nearly the same framerate at default airports, maybe a little less. Dublin decreases the frames of my Laptop with a i7-7700 and a GTX 1050 to approximately 20 what is still acceptable. But it can happen that they drop to 15 when the scenery reloads or the sim might even freeze for half a second when the Airport loads in. But name me an Airport DLC in which that is not the case.And speaking of Scenery... I really like it. It looks convincing and feels like you would expect from it to do. The only time I was in Dublin in real life I hadn\u00b4t have the chance to have a good look around the Airport but some remarkable Points remained in my memory and I was very happy to find all of them in the DLC. I could follow the path from the gate to the bus station I took in real life and I was surprised how well all the buildings in the DLC are placed and how they look. However this DLC doesn\u00b4t represent the latest state of the Airport. For example the new control tower is missing or the Aer Linugs Cargo Terminal in the east doesn\u00b4t look like I have it in memory. But this DLC was released in late 2017 when there was no new Control Tower in Dublin. However Aerosoft did many upgrades like placing new cars on the parking lots or adding new lighting effects and they even created new buildings for the X-Plane release. And in comparison to the older FSX\/P3d version I also have installed the improvement is impressive. And I say that for both performance and appearance. To conclude this: The scenery looks very very good for me and I dont regret the buy even a bit.So, if you want a recreation of Dublins Airport in your flight sim there is sadly no other choice for you other than this DLC for X-Plane 11. I\u00b4m sorry for the P3d V4 people. But now after some hours in X-Plane, I can give you my serious recommendation for both of it: X-Plane 11 and the Dublin Airport Scenery (If u are reading this you probalby already own X-Plane 11). The DLC is worth the money not only as a big fan of Dublin, also as a person who just enjoys a nice scenery.
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